A Note from Erin,
Our next Women Who Succeed event is our “Summer Social” held at Hip & Humble, owned by our friend and member, Sheridan Mordue, on Wednesday, July 19th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This open-house-style event will be a fun-filled evening of socializing and shopping! Thank you for RSVPing to help us get an accurate food count, which helps us budget appropriately and be good stewards of our resources.

Diamonds on Ice is going to be held on Thursday, September 28th, at the Eccles Theater in Salt Lake. Please rsvp here for this spectacular event! Once again, thank you to the generosity of OC Tanner Jewelers; we will be giving away an exquisite Grace Diamond by freezing it in 1 of 200 diamond-shaped ice cubes and melting it to discover the winner!
As this is our one fundraising event per year, we ask that you consider you, your family foundation, or your company sponsoring this event. All proceeds are used for the Women Who Succeed program to provide scholarships, college-age mentor stipends, internships, and networking for young women. Sponsorship levels begin at $10,000, and Amy Browning, amyb@sieutah.org, would love to talk about this opportunity if it appeals to you or your company.
Christmas in July? Not exactly, but we are contemplating our Girls Give Back! event to be held on November 11th that has a giving theme! Many of you asked for more service opportunities at that event, and we are thinking through those suggestions. If you are interested in being part of the planning committee for that, please again email Amy Browning. We are also interested in hearing from you if you are planning to provide items for those in need during the holiday season, as this may be something we could incorporate into our Girls Give Back! event.
Announcement to Mentors
We have received a few questions about informal meet-ups with your mentees. You are welcome to spend time with and see your mentees outside of official program meetings as much as you want only if all of your group has signed and turned in the liability waivers we passed out at the Women Who Succeed Conference on May 20. If you or your mentees have not turned these in, please reach out to Sydney Leiseth (sydneyl@sieutah.org) for copies of these waivers.
The first official monthly mentor meeting is Tuesday, September 5, at the time of your choosing. Coordinate with your mentees to pick a time and possible location to meet (virtual vs. in-person meetings are up to your group!) Don’t forget that monthly mentor meetings MUST be held on the first Tuesday of each month – you cannot change the date of your meeting unless it is approved by the Women Who Succeed team AND all of your mentees are able to attend your proposed date.
We HEAR Her Podcast
Podcast of Women Who Succeed
Our Women Who Succeed have been busy sharing their stories, insights, and lessons learned in our We HEAR Her Podcast Series. Listen here and subscribe to our bi-weekly episodes!

Money, Women, and Empowerment with Dana Grinnell
Dana has a passion for women and their empowerment through money. She has a long corporate career in business development and executive leadership positions. With that experience and passion, she assists women in the financial services industry and as investors.
Dana Grinnell, Author, Speaker, and Business Strategy & Operations Leader at Grinnell Capital

Creating a Beautiful Life with Melissa Hart
Melissa shares how she has learned to love and accept the story of her life, even though it is different than what she thought it would be. It may not look the way she thought it would, but she enjoys the surprises and opportunities around every door!
Melissa Hart, Community & Philanthropy Director at Enso Rings, Founder of CEO 215 Consulting
You can listen to our We HEAR Her podcast on Apple Podcast, RSS, and Spotify. For more, visit the link below.