A Note from Erin,
As I reflect on this past year, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all of you participating in Women Who Succeed. There are many demands in your busy lives, but you generously give your time, talents, and resources month after month. Helping young women to pursue post-secondary education, building their leadership skills, and growing their confidence is a passion of mine, and it warms my heart to know there are so many other women out there that feel the same way I do. I love the fact that we lift one another and have built friendships and professional networks all centered around the vision of supporting the next generation of women!

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Early Bird Registration
Register NOW through January 16, 2023, to get 10% off your membership application.

Mentee Highlight: Ellery Gresham
Ellery is a data science student at the University of Utah. She was recently hired as the new Women Who Succeed intern to help with events and mentee recruitment! We are so excited to have her as part of our team officially, so check out the video above to get to know Ellery.
2023-2024 Mentee Cohort Registration
We are about to start recruiting for next school year’s mentee cohort! Priority registration opens for current mentees from December 15th to January 1st. If they apply to join next year’s cohort within that time, they will be automatically accepted, bypassing the interview process! Mentees may apply for priority registration below.
Please note that mentees must apply every year to rejoin the program, so please encourage your mentees to sign up again!
General Mentee registration opens to the public from January 1st- April 1st. We’d appreciate it if you could support us by sharing mentee application information with young women you know personally and within your personal and professional networks.
We HEAR Her Podcast
Our Women Who Succeed have been busy sharing their stories, insights, and lessons learned in our We HEAR Her Podcast Series. Listen here and subscribe to our bi-weekly episodes!

“Make the Ask!”
with Jennifer Danielson
In this episode, Jennifer talks about how her drive to dig deep into “why” led her to high-level leadership roles. Jennifer also points out that to grow professionally, one must seek opportunities and ask for them. Listen in to hear Jennifer’s inspirational pearls of wisdom on how to grow into a leadership role.

“Don’t Shrink!”
with Nikki Walker
In this episode, the “FABULOUS Nikki” describes the importance of being bold and being yourself as a woman. She encourages young women and women to find their power, speak up, get involved and VOTE! She wishes there were more diverse perspectives in our elected officials and our community and challenges us to step forward.
You can listen to our We HEAR Her podcast on Apple Podcast, RSS, and Spotify. For more, visit the link below.